Solutions for Your Never Ending To-Do List
3 Considerations for Holiday Travel During COVID-19 Pandemic
Sep 24, 2020
Is traveling during the holidays safe during the coronavirus pandemic? Here are some things to consider.
How to Work From Home While Managing Kids, College Students
Sep 17, 2020
Working from home is a struggle for some — and adding kids into the mix can take the challenge to the next level. But it’s possible to manage this task. Here are some tips to make things easier.
3 Home Workouts to Keep You Active in the Fall — and Beyond
Sep 11, 2020
The fall season brings dropping temperatures and harsher outdoor conditions — but your workout plan doesn’t need to suffer. Use these three tips to keep active well into the fall months.
Using Zoom to Have a Safe, Socially Distant Labor Day Weekend
Sep 03, 2020
Need a COVID-friendly idea for your Labor Day weekend celebration? Try this Zoom cookoff!
3 Easy Steps to Get Your Home Ready to Show and Sell
Aug 31, 2020
Your home is ready to sell … but how do you get everything “show ready”? We give you three easy steps to make sure your home makes a strong impression with prospective buyers.
Case Study: Haney Home Concierge in Action
Aug 25, 2020
Haney Home Concierge recently helped Jill move from Chicago into her second home in Austin, Texas. What did we do, and how did we do it? We explain here.
Upgrade? How to keep your home technology relevant for 2020 and beyond
Aug 21, 2020
Updating your home technology for 2020 and beyond can be a daunting task. These three tips will help you get started.
Moving Checklist: 5 Tips to Simplify Your Next Move
Aug 13, 2020
On the move? These five tips will make moving as easy and stress-free as possible.
The ‘Return Home’ Checklist After Vacation
Aug 12, 2020
You’re back from vacation, and it’s time to slide back into the real world. Where do you start? We made a checklist to help.
Thinking of Cooling Down with an Above-Ground Pool?
Aug 07, 2020
An above-ground pool could provide a solution for beating Austin’s triple-digit heat. But how can you make that plan a reality?
We Can Help.
Take control of your to do list and focus on doing the things you enjoy.